Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Noble Causes

The personal assistant job seems pretty legit now. My first check is supposed to be delivered to me tomorrow and I'm making 500 bones. I'm still cautious about the whole thing and I believe that's rightfully so for a few reasons. First, my original assignment was to go to a toy store and buy a bunch of toys for an orphanage. That sounds noble and easy but last night I found out that the orphanage is in Malaysia. Now, instead of buying these toys, I'm suppose to send the money to the orphanage via Western Union. I ask myself why he couldn't send the money order himself. I feel a little odd doing business with a Malaysian orphanage with my first week on the job. I've found an explanation though. He had wanted me to buy the toys and ship them but then realized that the shipping would be costly. I looked at the tracking number on the check and it was processed on Monday. Meaning, he had already sent me the check before he realized how much having me ship the toys myself would cost. Even if I do get swindled out of my savings, at least it's for the children, right?

Another strange occurrence is that today I received an e-mail asking for a P.A. that was the same verbatim that my current employer sent me. There are even similar details such as being 49 years old and having a previous P.A. 6 months ago. The only difference is this guy works as a pathologist for World Hope International. Is this some kind of fluke email or is there some kind of Robin Hood version of Skynet going on? My room mate, Dave has a theory that there is this AI working for the greater good of mankind and I'm just a pawn. Like, the AI is stealing funds from banks and then sending it to me to do good with it. I feel I should be creeped out but this air of nobility around it has got me sticking around. My codename is Little John.

My stand up comedy act is doing well. Last week I drove to Orlando to perform at an open mic and I was just pleased that everyone payed attention to me. Last night, I performed at one of my usual spots. I decided to let loose with it and I saw some good results. I've always been self-conscoius about my stage presence but I'm starting to feel it come around. It makes me thankful for my family of comics and to everyone out there who has been giving me undying support.

"Look at us. We're like a couple of girls on the last day of camp."

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