Monday, June 7, 2010

The Mail Always Fails

I am now taking issue with the United States Postal Service. No, it has nothing to do with the fake check that they assisted in delivering to my house. While it did make me angry, it did not bring me to my breaking point. I'm talking about another isolated incident. Last week, I received someone else's mail at my home. The address said 631 on it. I moved into this neighborhood a few weeks ago and I considered this an opportunity to get acquainted with the neighborhood and do a good deed. I went in search of house 631 to put the mail in it's rightful place.
My house number is 561 so I had no clue is to where 631 would be in relation to where I live. It didn't take too long though. I put their mail in the box and was on my way, happy that I could do something neighborly. On my way back I noticed that the house next door to me had the numbers 631 on it. I have no idea how I did this but I put the mail in the wrong fucking mail box. I headed back to the other house to correct my mistake; knowing fully that doing so will make it appear that I am stealing their mail. I figured that if I were to be caught, I could provide a reasonable explanation to clear matters up.
I took the mail out of the box and sure enough some goon comes charging out of the house; looking to make a citizen's arrest. Allow me to transcribe the conversation that took place.

"What are you doing? You can't take my mail."
"I'm not stealing it. I'm taking it back because I put it here."
"It's still mine. It was in my box."
"No. It's not yours. I'm going to return where it belongs."
"So it belongs to you then?"
"No, it isn't mine and it isn't yours."
"Why did you put someone else's mail in my box?"

We spent the next ten minutes playing Abbot and Castillo; trying to figure out who's on first. The post office framed me. I wanted to do a nice thing and they made me look like a lunatic. I made it onto the Neighborhood Watch's Most Wanted list. I am now in constant protest of the United States Postal Service. I protest by drinking heavily and headbutting all the mail boxes on my block. Screw your government programs.

"I haven't missed you. In fact, I've been revoltingly unfaithful to you."

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