Monday, August 9, 2010

Two Halves

Why haven't I made a movie yet? Before the summer started, I had a very aggressive nature about getting one done. It seems that I did a fairly good job of making excuses for myself not to do one. Excuses like always being tired, not having the money or not feeling prepared enough. I think what stops me is my least favorite part of it all. Development. I'm very lazy about developing an idea. I hate doing second drafts. I want to get everything done in one take and bask in the glory of being a creative genius. It's as if I long for this technology where my ideas can be projected directly onto a screen or pages to prevent myself from writing or drafting anything. Another big part of it is how self-conscoius I can feel after writing something down. It's sort of the way you talk to someone online but they are kind of disappointing once you meet them in person. I'm afraid that once my idea becomes this physical thing for others to see and critique, it will be disappointing. I can't bear the risk of other people telling me that I'm not as talented as I think I am. It's about time that I start saying "fuck the critics." Giving up is way harder than trying.
The revelation is that this blog now has another purpose. I will use it to try and flush out my ideas for a movie. Anyone who reads it is encouraged to give suggestions, tell me that I'm brilliant or tell me that my time will be better served clearing roadways in Iraq for the U.S. Army. Here is what I bring to you today.

I don't necessarily like romantic comedies but my favorite film, Punch Drunk Love, technically is one. I feel like I've got a good idea for a romantic comedy and I could use my style to keep it from being a cheese fest like any Jennifer Lopez movie ever. Much like guys like Charlie Kaufman and P.T. Anderson have done.
My idea is about a young couple that is very much in love. As a goof, they both sign up for one of those dating sites like E-harmony to see if they get matched together. When they don't they decide to each go on a date with their top 5 matches to see if they are really meant for each other.
I figured that 4 of each of their dates could be whacky stuff with eccentric characters I create but then they each find one person that they really click with. I don't really know where to go after they both realize they may have feelings for other people. What interests me about the idea is that it wouldn't be a break up story. They never stop loving each other. They just don't understand how it is possible to have feelings for another person when you're already in love. Something I know that happens to people. I also like the idea because it wouldn't involve one of them keeping a dirty secret from each other. It will be awkward but they will go through these revelations together.

There we have it. I really hope some you can give me suggestions on where I could go with the story and let me know what yo think of the premise. For the time being I will refer to the project as Two Halves when referring to it in future blogs.

"Now more than ever, we need the Jedi."

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